We are engaged in the business of manufacturing of Texturized yarn, Polyester Yarn 30/1, Fancy Yarn, Nylon Yarn etc. and other specialty yarns. With more than two decades of experience, we have been successfully penetrating to the varying needs of textile industry.
Committed to quality, we are providing an array of products and services to textile and apparel industries. We believe in constant improvement and enjoy developing new products as per the requirements from our customers and changing market demands. Reliability and superior quality standard sets us apart from our competitors in the market.
The promoters of the group are considered pioneer in Surat Texturising industry to introduce many such products and successfully delivering the same to many satisfied customers.
Besides this texturising industry, which has undergone massive changes of original Vanila products, the industry has developed many different products of both polyester & nylon with many different deniers. Now, fancy items are also being developed.
Categories: Polyester Yarn/ POY/ DTY/ Yarn & Fabric/ Yarn/ Knit/ Knit Yarn/
Listing Type: Bronze Tier
Contact Number(s): Login to view contact information
Country: India
Current Time of India: 15:13:04 pm (2525/02/11)
Year of Company Establishment: 1997
Production Capacity Per Month: 1500 Tons per month
Minimum Quantity Per Order: 1 Ton
Delivery Lead Time: 15 – 30 days
Product Detail:
Partially Oriented Yarn;
Draw Texturised Yarn;
Air Texturised Yarn;
Polyester Yarn 30/1.
A range of variety, varying from 30 to 400 Deniers having 1-100 filaments of above-mentioned yarns.
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