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Emerging Technologies in Sri Lankan Apparel Industry

Emerging Technologies in Sri Lankan Apparel Industry

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Despite an increased competition among Asian manufacturers with an enormous dedicated trade zone for garments sector, Sri Lankan manufacturers have succeeded in creating a unique niche through an intense ethical labor practice and environment management. 

Sri Lanka has taken bold initiative in promoting quality over quantity which has earned them reputation in this highly competitive global market and helped them make an export revenue of RS. 5 billion through garments sector. Due to their product quality local fashion and garment industry become top revenue earner over their traditional exports like tea, coconut and tourism.

Sri Lanka is expected to reach RS. 8.5 billion mark by 2020 with the help of local and global resources and recently they are holding the crown of highest per capita apparel export in the entire Asia.

Sri Lanka has already have adopted cutting edge technologies in their local manufacturing plants to serve with high quality garments products to the leading international brands. Because Sri Lanka has built their reputation, they are now involved in manufacturing wearable electronics, e-textile and smart clothing for international buyers. Along with that Sri Lanka is also conscious about environment friendly fabric treatment and color processing cycle which has made Sri Lanka as one of the most innovative garment manufacturing country in the global market.

Multiple organizations in Sri Lanka including Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (FDB) and Sri Lankan Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) are promoting new garments and textile technologies. And they are working toward improving quality of final products by design, inventory and products life cycle management. By focusing on design development JAAF is also encouraging local designers to promote new fashion designs combined with traditional and modern technology.

In a result, a significant number of Sri Lankan fashion designers have made their name in the global arena with authentic and elegant fashion design. They are producing not only elegant fashion but also they have designed products from environmentally safe and economically sustainable materials. Besides the local manufacturers of Sri Lanka are also use digital platforms to promote their products and connect to international importers including its largest buyers USA and Europe.

Government and JAAF are also working toward digitalizing the entire apparel sector with the theme of “Sri Lanka is Future” to attract large scale global importers to Sri Lankan fashion industry.

The Export Development Board (EDB) is also helping Sri Lankan manufacturers by organizing machinery sourcing and latest technology based exhibitions so that local manufacturers come to learn and implement latest innovation in garments industry.

EDW is also highly responsible for arranging industrial tours to advanced factories so that participants can be aware of new technology used by other manufacturers. With this they are helping local manufacturers to adopt latest apparel and garments technology.

As Sri Lanka is highly concerned about better working environment so textile and garments manufacturers are boosting sophisticated infrastructure to ensure safety and security to the people working in factories. Most of Lankan facilities are LEED (Platinum) certified from US Green Council because of their environment friendly status and safety measure for both the workers and equipment.

Most of the facilities are built according to global guidelines to ensure the reduction of carbon emission. They are also following the model to maximize the use of rainwater and solar power and they promote sophisticated recycling process, use of biodegradable cleaning material and filtration of use waters to minimize the effect of environmental damage.             

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